1200 Watts into Open/Short
1200 Watts into Open/Short
Can they destroy a 1200 Watt Transistor
NXP tries to destroy an RF amplifier with 1200 watts output.
Short, open, high VSWR on output. Sparks even fly.
Repeat running the transistor 5 volts above the maximum supply voltage.
Really cool test circuit they have the transistor in. Note the water cooling connections at the top.
These transistors are typically used in broadcast equipment. It’s a 1400 watt device spec’d to run from 10 to 500 MHz. Price is about $285, almost the same as a 3-500Z. You can look at the data here.
Someone else who thinks shorting out a 1,000 watt amp is a good idea. This time with a BLF188XR. The ‘XR’ stands for eXtreme Reliability.
If you want to build your own amp.
A 1 kW UHF amp kit being tested.
This test doesn’t go so well. Wait for it.....
Wednesday, December 12, 2018